Aluminium Windows And Doors Manufacturers In Bangalore

Aluminium windows and doors manufacturers in Bangalore

Woodminium is one of the most trustworthy aluminium windows and doors manufacturers in Bangalore. When we say we are the most trustworthy manufacturers in Bangalore is just because of the below-mentioned points. They are as follows.


When it comes to quality, it is the first and foremost motto of our company as well as of our directors who came back to India just to provide sterling quality of products.

In terms of quality, we source profiles from leading Indian and global manufacturers, surface treats them at our in-house facility using imported raw material, and fabricate them right in the same premises. Having all the facilities in the same premises gives an edge for us over quality and an edge on pricing to customers. 

Unlike other aluminium windows and doors manufacturers in Bangalore, where a coating is done separately, and fabrication is done at a separate factory, and the final window is installed at your site. With this, the material handling cost increases, and the chances of defective color or scratches is high.

Therefore, it is advisable to get your windows from the manufacturers who have all the facilities under one roof.

When we talk about quality control, we have all the resources in one manufacturing area equipped with all the latest resources as per the international standards and norms.


Usually, while constructing a home, we always want an expert to work on your dream home, be it an architect or any professional.

Similarly, we are the expert for aluminium windows and doors manufacturers in Bangalore. By having a broad and deep understanding of the manufacturing windows. 

Not just that, we have skilled professionals who have been working in this industry for over 20 to 30 years. Through all the experience and knowledge which we have gained over the years, we can say that we are one of the most experienced company in the market. 


As part of day-to-day activities at our Woodminium factory premises, we do not adhere our activities to repetitive or old practices. We keep on innovating with scientific methods to increase the reliability of the products we offer. 

Woodminium windows is a brand and trusted preservers of elegance. Let us specialize in you by assisting with quality determinations so we can provide excellence to the maximum possible degree for your custom-built house that meets all expectations.

Windows are a type of building that covers a house to block the wind and let in light. Windows helps to keep the house warm in the winter or cool in the summer. They let you look outside your house. By experimenting with different ways to make windows, we can make them more energy efficient and sturdy. This helps make sure people will stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer.


aluminium windows and doors manufacturers in Bangalore are the best who have innovative products. If there is no innovation, we could still be in a stone age era. 

We keep on experimenting on windows and doors systems not just by increasing performance but also by keeping in mind how can we solve the problems in the window and doors segment by proving premium windows at a competitive price. 

After innovation and experimenting, we have not just limited our company to the windows and doors category. We also have other products like Baffles, Louvers, handrails, etc., which enhance your home’s decor look.

Do check out our products which adds value to your home – Other Products. 


All our Woodminium products are 100% customizable. And it is manufactured as per the customer’s designs and taste to suit the needs. Getting your product customized as per your needs and designs through our experience and the excellent quality of windows we manufacture in Bangalore enhances the beauty and luxury of your home with finesse.

As aluminium windows and doors manufacturers in Bangalore, we can customize your windows perfectly to suit your home. From unique shapes and sizes to various distinct types of glass.

If you’re building a custom home and want everything to be beautiful and built to last, our windows and doors are a good choice among the manufacturers in Bangalore. 

Aluminium Slide And Fold Doors at site

Actual Image of Aluminium Bi-fold Doors installed at our customers’ site.

Product Range

Woodminium Windows offers 360-degree solutions to customers, be it designs selection, glass, frames selection, and installation at your place.

We offer uPVC & aluminium material with the best-in-class product and hardware fittings. As a value addition, Woodminium windows offer functions like safety & security, noise cancellation, energy efficiency, UV resistance, burglar resistance, monsoon proof, and safety glass throughout our wide product range. 

Check out our product range Premium Series and Luxury Series

Track Record

Woodminium Windows, as part of Ajit Group, has a good track record in the market. In a span of less period, we have completed the installation across Karnataka. Would you please check out our projects page?


Approachable when we say that we mean that we listen carefully to customers. We work closely with the customers; we discuss with the customers to understand their tastes and needs and make their window installation journey easy and hassle-free.

Above all customers contributing and helping us enhance our designs and support them with a satisfactory product. As a new home comes with a lot of emotional attachment and we totally understand and value that.


There are multiple variables involved in the pricing of the Woodminium windows, such as dimensions, the number of panes in the window, style of window, Locking mechanisms, types of glass & mesh, Colours, and finishes. 

As an aluminum windows and doors manufacturers in Bangalore, it will fit your budget as an aluminium windows purchaser. Take a quote from us, and you will be surprised how affordable we are in Bangalore. 

You can request a site visit or get your quote by 

contacting us @ 96060 48140

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