upvc windows vs aluminium windows

uPVC windows vs aluminium windows : which is better?

Although both types of windows are durable and offer good insulation, aluminium windows are a popular choice among homeowners. Our customers choose aluminium windows because they are value for money, low maintenance, and last longer.

The first reason people choose aluminium windows is that they are stylish, sleek, and strong with little or no upkeep costs.

Many people prefer to have aluminium windows instead of uPVC because the aluminium is more durable and better for insulating. The aluminium is better than uPVC because it can take a lot of pressure before breaking. Which makes it perfect for areas with extreme weather conditions. It also has a much lower U-value than uPVC so it provides better insulation and doesn’t let heat escape as easily.

Aluminium is an excellent conductor of heat and cold and dent resistance. uPVC on the other hand is cheaper than aluminium. It is also lighter and doesn’t transmit noise as well as aluminium.

It can be difficult to choose between uPVC and aluminium windows, but we’re going to walk you through to choose the best option for your home and budget.


The affordability of aluminium windows vs uPVC windows is a key decision point for homeowners. With aluminium windows, the cost is almost the same as uPVC or other comparable types of materials. The popularity of aluminium has increased over the past few decades as it became more affordable to middle-class families than it was before.

Aluminium windows are coated with anodic oxidation which makes them more durable than uPVC counterparts. This is because aluminium has a greater density and is not as likely to scratch, peel, or chip its outer surface. In the long term, aluminium will be far more economical because of this factor.



Aluminium windows are more durable because aluminium is less likely to rust. This is an advantage of aluminium windows because there are fewer components that can break down. Which makes them last longer. Upvc windows are cheaper upfront but tend to need repairs in the long run.

Aluminium windows can last up to 45 years because it has a high strength-to-weight ratio, making them harder to dent. UPVC can last up to 20-25 years if they are fabricated using good profiles. Today, we see various qualities of UPVC profiles all over the city. One has to invest in good quality if durability and peace of mind are what you are looking at.


Eco friendly

An eco-friendly window would be an aluminium window. One of the main reasons people choose aluminium windows is that they are energy efficient which helps to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels. This also reduces greenhouse gas emissions and helps to preserve the environment for future generations.

The eco-friendly aluminium windows and uPVC windows are difficult to compare. One advantage of aluminium windows is that they are cost-friendly, while uPVC windows are more energy efficient in terms of insulation. On the other hand, aluminium windows are easier to clean. While uPVC window frames require more maintenance if it is in white.


Suitability for more designs

Aluminium window designs are more suitable than wood because they are energy-efficient and have durable properties. For instance, the aluminium windows can be framed with any glass to offer different looks and benefits. The frames can be customised by adding features such as decorative as per the mouldings, panels, and grids. Furthermore, an aluminium frame is more protective against the effects of storms and hurricanes because it is less vulnerable to wind damage compared to a wooden frame.

The suitability of uPVC Windows for more designs is dependent on the uPVC Window manufacturer. A good deal of people would say that uPVC Windows are unsuitable for more designs. But uPVC Window manufacturers like us would disagree. There are indeed fewer styles of uPVC Windows available than the number of styles in aluminium, but if you’re willing to shop around and find a company that makes them, woodminium is suitable for more designs.



In conclusion, aluminium windows vs uPVC windows both  are great for your home to keep well-insulated.

However, if you’re looking for a window that will last the longest, then as far as durability, aluminium is the way to go.

aluminium windows are cheaper than uPVC ones, especially for larger windows. 

At the end of the day, uPVC may be a better option than aluminium if you’re on a budget and want your windows to last for years to come aluminium is best.

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